💠Affiliate Marketing Program

We are excited to announce the launch of our affiliate program for the $PZT token! This program is designed to reward our loyal community members for spreading the word about our token and helping to grow our community.

To participate in the affiliate program, you need to fill in the registration form that can be found here: https://forms.gle/KXkB5zLb9kDexoCs7

Once you have registered, you will need to maintain a minimum of 3200 PZT in your registered wallet, and airdrop at least 0.1 PZT (excluding 1% tax fee) to someone's wallet in order to take them as your referrals.

As an affiliate, you will receive a commission of 1% of the $PZT amount purchased by your referrals. This commission will be paid out in $PZT token and can be claimed directly on the $PZT contract. Best of all, there are no lock-ins on your commissions, so you can withdraw them whenever you like!

We believe that our community is our greatest asset, and we are committed to rewarding our members for their contributions. With our affiliate program, you can earn $PZT simply by sharing it with your friends and family.

Last updated