
Pizon has introduced a novel referral program called RefWar. This program is a deflation mechanism built into the smart contract of $PZT, the token offered by Pizon.

When users purchase $PZT tokens, they automatically join the RefWar program. RefWar is a mechanism that automatically locks tokens and requires users to bring in referrals to unlock them. For each purchase transaction made from your direct referee's wallet, your $PZT will be unlocked at a rate corresponding to 5% of such purchased amount.

The act of airdropping $PZT tokens from a referrer to a referee is called referring. The referrer of a certain wallet is the one who airdrops the most tokens to that wallet. This information is updated in real-time.

Stealing Referees Formula

The minimum $PZT airdropping amount to take Referees (Minimum Required for the First Referrer of Day 1): 0.1 PZT (excluding 1% tax fee)

After every single day since the first airdropping, the Ref Stealings happen as followed:

  • The First Day-2 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-1 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

  • The First Day-3 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-2 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

  • The First Day-4 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-3 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

  • The First Day-5 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-4 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

  • The First Day-6 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-5 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

  • The First Day-7 Referrer must airdrop a $PZT amount of higher than (latest Day-6 airdrop amount x 2) to take the certain Referee

The stealing process may end anytime. The last Referrer standstills for over 7 days since the Day-1 will be acquired as the permanent Referrer of that certain Referee.

Day-2 starts after 24 hours since the last Ref Stealing of Day-1 implemented. Continue to count on for the upcoming days.

The stealings happen during a certain day don’t take to obey this rule, but to follow the simple formula of airdropping a higher amount compared to the latest to take over the certain Referee.

[How-to] Checking for required minimum airdropping $PZT amount to take referrals (Real-Time Update)

It’s compulsory to airdrop a certain amount of $PZT to other wallets when you want to take them as your referees (for the purpose of unlocking $PZT in your bag).

To easily check it out, just scan the RefManager contract on Arbiscan (https://arbiscan.io/address/0xB36bBD01b5F3D357e3839cFC6882E7d23D4e8E4f#readContract). In the ‘Read Contract’ tab, find Number 10 section called ‘minReflnvValue’ and take the amount shown at this section, devided by 10 to the power of 18, to get the final result.

Last updated